Dr. Esra Bayraktar
LecturerOffice Hours: TR 3:30-4:30 Zoom only
Ms. Makiko Yamamoto Border
LecturerOffice Hours: TR 2:20-3:20, In-person or Zoom
Dr. John Caldwell
Teaching Associate ProfessorOffice Hours: T 3:45-4:45, R 1:25-2:25, In-person only
Ms. Vaibhavi Chaturvedi
LecturerOffice Hours: W 9-10, F 10-11 In-person
Dr. Didem Havlioglu
Professor of the PracticeOffice Hours: WR 11:30-12:30
Ms. Fengyan Hu
LecturerOffice Hours: T 2:30-3:30 Zoom/In-person, R 11-12 Zoom only