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Ms. Luoyi Cai

Luoyi Cai
Teaching Associate Professor
FedEx GEC 4107

Office Hours: T 12:30-1:30 Zoom, R 2-3 In-person
Zoom Link

Professional Biography

Born and grew up in Shanghai, a metropolitan city shaped by the confrontation and coordination between the Western and Eastern cultures, I have been deeply attracted by cultural diversity. Through studying linguistics and literature, I have developed my observation and communication skills to explore different cultures through my trained educational lens. I received both B.A. and M.A. in teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from the East China Normal University. Before joining the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill, I had taught at the University of Virginia, the Chinese Summer Institution at Middlebury, and various intensive language programs abroad, including the UVA-Shanghai Summer Program, CET-Shanghai Program, and CLS Summer Program.

I currently serve as the Chinese placement coordinator for study abroad returnees and the DEI Committee member of the DAMES. Since 2023, I also served as a COIL Faculty Fellow in the Office of the Vice Provost for Global Affairs (OVPGA). Outside the university, I am the president of the Chinese Language Teachers Association in North Carolina (CLTA-NC) and serve in the lead group of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA)’s Special Interest Group of Chinese Language Film Education Exchange. In recent years, I have also been actively involved in Chinese language teacher training by working as the mentor for the UVA STARTALK Teacher Program from 2018-2021 and the lead instructor of the 2022-2024 CAC STARTALK Teacher Program.


My main research interests include Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Curriculum design and practice, Chinese LAC course development, and integrating films and technology tools in the Chinese language classroom.


2024 Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, February 2024
Excellence in Instruction Award, 2020 Indiana University Language Workshop, Indiana University at Bloomington, August 2020


  • CHIN 101: Elementary Chinese I
  • CHIN 102: Elementary Chinese II
  • CHIN 204: Intermediate Chinese II
  • CHIN 306: Advanced Chinese II
  • CHIN 308: Chinese Languages across the Curriculum Recitation
  • CHIN 407: Readings in Modern Chinese I
  • CHIN 407: Readings in Modern Chinese I
  • CHIN 408: Readings in Modern Chinese II
  • CHIN 408: Readings in Modern Chinese II


Authentic Chinese (Volume I). Textbook. Tseng, M., Cai, L., Wu, J., Chen, Y., Xu, J. (2023), Phoenix Tree Publishing Inc. 2023.

Tseng, M., Cai, L., Song, D. (Forthcoming), Teachers’ confidence in applying effective principles for online teaching in a teacher training program. Handbook of Chinese Language Learning and Technology. Springer

Geng, Z., Cai, L. (2022). 适用于线上汉语教学的网络平台与工具评介——以北美线上汉语课堂为例 (A Review of Platforms and Tools for Online Chinese Teaching—Taking North American Chinese Classrooms for Example). 汉语国际教育学报(第十一辑) (Journal of International Chinese Education, Vol. 11), 18-39

Tseng, M., Geng, Z., Cai, L. (2021). 以教师反思分析线上中文教学有效原则之应用(An Analysis of the Application of Effective Principles for Online Chinese Language Teaching). 国际汉语教学研究 (Journal of International Chinese Teaching, Vol. 1, 2021), 27-38

Tseng, M., Gao, Y., Cai, L. (2019). 中文线上课堂有效结合科技工具以强化互动之报告 (Enhancing interaction through the effective incorporation of technology tools for a virtual Chinese language classroom). Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, Vol. 10, 91-113

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