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TURK 101 – Elementary Turkish I (3):

Introduces the essential elements of Turkish structure and vocabulary and aspects of Turkish culture. Aural comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing are stressed.
Offered: Fall
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s):
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s): FND-FL

TURK 102 – Elementary Turkish II (3):

Prerequisite, TURK 101. Continued instruction in the essential elements of Turkish structure and vocabulary and aspects of Turkish culture. Aural comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing are stressed.
Offered: Spring
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s):
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s): FND-FL

TURK 203 – Intermediate Turkish I (3):

Prerequisite, TURK 102. Second-year level instruction in the essential elements of Turkish structure and vocabulary and aspects of Turkish culture. Aural comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing are stressed. Introduces representative literary works.
Offered: Fall
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s): GLBL-LANG
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s): FND-FL

TURK 203 – Intermediate Turkish I (3):

Prerequisite, TURK 102. Second-year level instruction in the essential elements of Turkish structure and vocabulary and aspects of Turkish culture. Aural comprehension, reading, speaking, and writing are stressed. Introduces representative literary works.
Offered: Fall
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s): GLBL-LANG
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s): FND-FL

TURK 204 – Intermediate Turkish II (3):

Prerequisite, TURK 203. A proficiency-based course centered on reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Turkish with an emphasis on understanding the application of grammatical structures and vocabulary development through the study of literature.
Offered: Spring
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s):
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s): FND-FL

TURK 305 – Advanced Turkish I (3):

Prerequisite, TURK 204. Students in this advanced class will explore various discourses through media and literature in order to develop a deeper understanding of modern Turkish language. This is a hybrid/blended course taught synchronically with the same course at Duke University, taking advantage of the best aspects of both face-to-face and online instruction with the use of technology to enhance the classroom experience.
Instructor(s): Dr. Esra Bayraktar
IDEAs in Action Logo Ideas in Action Gen-Ed(s):
Making Connections Gen-Ed(s):