Korean Language Courses
KOR 101 – Elementary Korean I (4):
Introduction to the basics of modern Korean, including the pronunciation of spoken Korean, the writing system of Hangul, communication and reading skills in controlled contexts, and fundamentals of grammar.Instructor(s): Dr. Giseung Lee, Dr. Eunji Lee
Offered: Fall; sometimes Summer I
KOR 102 – Elementary Korean II (4):
Prerequisite, KOR 101. Develops speaking and listening skills for everyday communication, reading skills for simple narratives and descriptive texts, and understanding for core grammatical patterns.Instructor(s): Dr. Giseung Lee, Dr. Eunji Lee, Ms. Dongsoo Bang
Offered: Spring; sometimes Summer 2
KOR 203 – Intermediate Korean I (4):
Prerequisite, KOR 102. Continues developing reading and writing skills for narrative and descriptive texts and increasing communicative competence in applied social contexts.Instructor(s): Dr. Giseung Lee, Ms. Dongsoo Bang
Offered: Fall
KOR 203 – Intermediate Korean I (4):
Prerequisite, KOR 102. Continues developing reading and writing skills for narrative and descriptive texts and increasing communicative competence in applied social contexts.Instructor(s): Dr. Giseung Lee, Ms. Dongsoo Bang
Offered: Fall
KOR 204 – Intermediate Korean II (4):
Prerequisite, KOR 203. Develops and applies comprehensive grammatical knowledge and vocabularies in complex listening, speaking, reading, and writing contexts. Emphasis on Korean cultural and historical understanding.Instructor(s): Dr. Giseung Lee, Dr. Eunji Lee, Ms. Dongsoo Bang
Offered: Spring
KOR 305 – Advanced Korean I (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 204. Advanced study of written and spoken Korean language and Korean culture. Three hours per week.Instructor(s): Dr. Eunji Lee
Offered: Fall
KOR 306 – Advanced Korean II (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 305. Advanced study of written and spoken Korean language and Korean culture. Three hours per week.Instructor(s): Dr. Eunji Lee, Ms. Dongsoo Bang
Offered: Spring
KOR 308 – Korean Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC) Recitation (1):
Prerequisite, KOR 204. This is a stand-alone, one-hour LAC discussion course conducted in Korean. Possible topics include Korean food and culture of Korea.Instructor(s): Ms. Dongsoo Bang
KOR 407 – Modern Korean Literature and Culture (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. Modern Korean literature by major authors, from around 1940 to the present. Emphasis on reading, translation, and criticism. Students will improve their written and oral communication skills in Korean through the study of literary works in their social, cultural, and historical context.Instructor(s): Ms. Dongsoo Bang
KOR 407 – Modern Korean Literature and Culture (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. Modern Korean literature by major authors, from around 1940 to the present. Emphasis on reading, translation, and criticism. Students will improve their written and oral communication skills in Korean through the study of literary works in their social, cultural, and historical context.Instructor(s): Ms. Dongsoo Bang
KOR 408 – Changes and Continuities in Korean History (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. This course is conducted in Korean, emphasizing reading, translating, and criticism. This is a general introduction to Korean history from the first kingdom of the Korean Peninsula, Gojoseon, to the last kingdom, Joseon Dynasty.Instructor(s): Ms. Dongsoo Bang
KOR 408 – Changes and Continuities in Korean History (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. This course is conducted in Korean, emphasizing reading, translating, and criticism. This is a general introduction to Korean history from the first kingdom of the Korean Peninsula, Gojoseon, to the last kingdom, Joseon Dynasty.Instructor(s): Ms. Dongsoo Bang
KOR 409 – Korean Through Current Affairs (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. This course aims at a deeper understanding of Korean society, through critical analysis of language use and viewpoints expressed in various types of media. This course will also focus on cultural products and practices.Instructor(s): Dr. Eunji Lee
KOR 409 – Korean Through Current Affairs (3):
Prerequisite, KOR 306. This course aims at a deeper understanding of Korean society, through critical analysis of language use and viewpoints expressed in various types of media. This course will also focus on cultural products and practices.Instructor(s): Dr. Eunji Lee