Hindi-Urdu placement test
The Hindi-Urdu placement test is online and can be taken whenever you like. For some students, an oral interview (online via Zoom) will also be required.
If you don’t know either the Hindi or Urdu alphabets, you should still take the test, but to fulfill the foreign language requirement you will need to take either HNUR 220 (Hindi script) or HNUR 221 (Urdu script); both are 1-credit courses offered only in fall.
The test is about an hour long and is Sakai-based; you will need to log in with your Onyen credentials.
Don’t have an Onyen and password?
— If you’re an incoming new student, please wait to take this test until you have created your Onyen and have it working.
— If you are not a UNC student, please email the Hindi-Urdu placement coordinator, Prof. John Caldwell, for help to access the test.
Equipment you will need to take the test:
— Paper and pen/pencil;
— Cell phone, scanner, or digital camera (you’ll need to upload a writing sample in JPG or PDF format);
— Computer with working microphone so you can make a voice recording.
Follow these steps to take the test:
- Click here to join the Sakai site. You must join the site before you’ll be able to take the test.
- Click here to take the test. You’ll have up to an hour to complete it. If you experience any technical difficulties, please seek help at help.unc.edu.
After you have taken the test, you’ll receive an email (allow about a fortnight) either informing you of your placement result or inviting you to make an appointment for a Zoom interview.