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Nadia Yaqub, associate professor of Arabic language and culture, has joined the editorial collective of JMEWS: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, the official journal of the Association of Middle East Women’s Studies. Edited by Frances Hasso (Duke, Women’s Studies and International Comparative Studies), Banu Gokariksel (UNC Chapel Hill, Geography), and Miriam Cooke (Duke, Asian and Middle East Studies), JMEWS is an interdisciplinary journal that advances the fields of Middle East gender, sexuality, and women’s studies through the contributions of academics, artists, and activists from around the globe working in the interpretive social sciences and humanities. JMEWS publishes area-specific research informed by transnational feminist, sexuality, masculinity, and cultural theories and scholarship. It is particularly interested in work that employs historical, ethnographic, literary, textual, and visual analyses and methodologies. The journal also publishes book and film reviews, review essays, and dissertation abstracts that highlight theoretical innovation in gender and sexuality studies focused on the Middle East. For more information visit

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