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Arabic & Arab Cultures
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M.A. Program
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M.A. Sample Plan – Interdisciplinary Track
M.A. Sample Plan – Chinese Track
Spring 2025 schedule
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Arabic Language Courses
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Room reservation request
Room reservation request
Complete and submit this form to register for the Japanese language placement test.
Honor Code
By checking this box, I affirm that all information provided here is accurate to the best of my knowledge, that I am replying to this questionnaire truthfully, and that I understand failure to do so will be considered a violation of Carolina's Honor Code.
As a UNC student, you are expected to uphold the University's Honor Code. Any violation of the Honor Code can be serious. If it is found later that the information provided here is inaccurate, you may be required to drop the class and even be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.
Based on your review of the self-assessment guide, what level do you expect to place into?
Select your estimated level.
JAPN 101
JAPN 102
JAPN 203
JAPN 204
JAPN 305
JAPN 306
4th-year Japanese
If you have not yet reviewed the
self-assessment guide for Japanese
, please go back and do so before completing this form.
Name (in English)
This is your UNC student number. If you are not a UNC student, please enter nine zeroes.
UNC email address
In most cases this will be [your Onyen] or [your Onyen]
If you are a UNC student (or incoming new UNC student), please use your UNC email.
Pick the choice that describes your situation.
Incoming new student (first-year)
Incoming new student (transfer)
Continuing UNC undergraduate
Returnee from a UNC study abroad program
Exchange student
Graduate student
High school student
Summer School visiting student
Student at another U.S. college or university
Something else
Were you an Early College student?
If you took the Advanced Placement (AP) test in Japanese, what was your score?
If you took the International Baccalaureate (IB) test in Japanese, what was your score, and did you take the SL or HL?
What is/are your major(s) or intended major(s)?
Why are you taking the Japanese placement test?
I want to take a Japanese course in the upcoming semester.
I might want to take a Japanese course in the future.
I just want to place out of JAPN 203 to fulfill the Global Language requirement.
To take a language course at UNC while in high school, you will need to apply to UNC as a part-time student.
Click here for more information on that.
Most importantly, check the table of
at that link.
Click here for information
on how to apply as a visiting student for summer term, most importantly including the deadlines!
Why do you want to take a UNC placement test?
To satisfy the language requirement at my school.
I'm a Robertson Scholar.
I'm interested in taking a course interinstitutionally at UNC.
I'm applying to the UNC School of Nursing.
For some other reason.
Please tell us what school you attend, and supply the name, title, and email address of the administrator your placement results should be sent to.
Click here for information
on how to enroll interinstitutionally, including the form you would need to submit at your school.
What semester do you hope to enter the UNC School of Nursing?
Please explain your situation.